122 VI HUBERT SPACES 4. Let X be a set, E a vector subspace of Cx, on which is given a structure of complex Hilbert space. A mapping (x, y) -> K(;c, y) of X x X into C is called a reproducing kernel for E if it satisfies the two following conditions: (1) for every y e X, the function K(. , y) : x -» K(x, y) belongs to E; (2) for any function fe E, and any y e X, f(y) == (a) Show that K is a mapping of positive type of X x X into C, i.e. , for any integer n ^ 1 and any finite sequence (xOi^^n of points of X, the mapping of C2" into C is a positive hermitian form. This in particular implies K(x, x) ^ 0 for every xeX, K(y, x) = K<*, jO and |K(x, ^)|2 ^ K(x, x)K(.y, j>) for x, >> in X. Show that for /e E, one has |/Cx)| ** \\f\\ ' (K(y, y))112 for y e X. (b) Show that if (fn) is a sequence of functions of E which converges (for the Hilbert space structure) to /e E, then, for every x e X, the sequence (fn(xj) converges to f(x) in C ; the convergence is uniform in any subset of X where the function jc -> K(x, x) is bounded. (c) Let (xi)i^i^n be a finite sequence of points of X, (a^i *=* )) is the orthogonal projection of /in EI. If E2 is the orthogonal supplement of EI and K2 the reproducing kernel for E2 , then Ki + K2 is the reproducing kernel for E. 6. Let X be a set, E a vector subspace of Cx, on which is given a structure of complex prehilbert space. In order that there should exist a Hilbert space £ <=• Cx containing E, such that the scalar product on E is the restriction of the scalar product on 6, and that there exists a reproducing kernel for £, it is necessary and sufficient that E satisfy the two following conditions: (1) for every x eX, the linear form f-+f(x) is continuous in E; (2) for any Cauchy sequence (/„) in E such that, for every x e X, lim fn(x) == 0, ft-* 00 one has lim ||/n|| = 0. (To prove the conditions are sufficient, consider the subspace £ H-+OQ of Cx whose elements are the functions /for which there exists a Cauchy sequence (fn) in E such that lim /„(;*:) =/(#) for every x e X. Show that, for all Cauchy sequences (/„) n~».oo having that property, the number lim ||/rt|| is the same, and if ||/|| is that number, this n~»oo defines on £ a structure of normed space which is deduced from a structure of prehilbert